VITRONIC Machine Vision GmbH
Hasengartenstr. 14
65189 Wiesbaden

Phone: +49 611 7152 0
Fax:      +49 611 7152 133
E-mail: sales[at]

Management Board: Daniel Scholz-Stein, Matthias Pörner, Dr.-Ing. Heiko Frohn, Matej Okáli, Robert Ševela

Headquarters: Wiesbaden
VAT-ID number: DE 113 885 635
Commercial register: District court Wiesbaden, HRB 6119
D.U.N.S®: 32-067-5788

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Megatrends such as globalization, mobility, urbanization, connectivity and health awareness require courage and a pioneering spirit. As innovation drivers, we enable our partners to master the challenges of tomorrow: We go further where others stop and bring new ideas into the here and now.